Wednesday 16 March 2011

The 5 Senses

Leading on from Lucys last post, we were heavily brainstorming and were trying to think of a way to enhance our idea to be more creative. 
Having chosen 5 main elements that represents whats important to balance work and play we were thinking of things that corresponded with the number 5...

-5 working days of the week
-5 a day (Fruit and Veg)
-5 fingers, 5 toes
-5 senses

5 senses: Touch, Taste, Smell, Sound and Sight. 

We really liked the idea of this and each of our 5 senses could reflect the 5 different active, social, outdoors senarios we thought could match in our print executions. Here are the following 5 elements of social/play along with our idea for the print executions;

1/ Aim (Aiming for success)...Camping, aiming to get the tent up before it rains..a light hearted humour
2/ Action..................................Walking/Hiking to reach the top of the hill to see the breath taking veiw
3/ Relationships......................Couple walking along a beach holding hands
4/ Relax...................................Man fishing getting away from it all
5/ Enjoy...................................All of the above in the form of a film strip
Free gifts that could be sent out which we thought could reflect each of the above would be,

1/ Frisby with a target on it with the NB logo in the middle (SIGHT)
2/ NB car air freshener (SMELL)
3/ Shell from the beach (SOUND)
4/ Boot shaped stress ball (TOUCH)
5/ NB tin of mints, the taste of success (TASTE)

We then thought of adding a Limitded Edition trainer, of a 6th sense!
Trying now to decide on what the 6th sense could be, and having researched online, we discovered Equilibrioception...a physiological senses of BALANCE. Perfect.
Still playing on our origional idea of balancing work and play and is an entirely relevant 6th sense.
Now to shorten the name or abreviate to give to this new trainer...

Our strap line of, The New Balance of Work and Play, has now changed to..

"Sense the New Balance"


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