Saturday 19 March 2011

Another Questionnaire Answered....better late than never

Gender: Male
Age: 44
Occupation: Director

1.) What would be your ideal 3 course meal?
Terre a Terre vegetarian themed…
Sweet potato (Thai) style soup and focaccia
Smoked Sakuri Mai Fun
Homemade Tiramisu

2.) What do you like to do in your spare time?
Independent cinema, walking the dog, internet news-forums watching football, cycling, travel.

3.) Where would you go for a weekend away and who with?
Anywhere northern European to catch any of the cycling classics, (France, Belgium, Holland, Germany). Manchester veledrome…
Music festivals, anywhere
Camber sands, food , drink and beach walks.
All with Ailsa (my wife)

4.) What are your top 3 destinations you've been to and why?
Pyrenees, France, mountains, walking, cycling, brilliant food, brilliant people
Cornwall, cosy, pretty, rugged, great food and drink, walking

Nepal, stunning, challenging, remote, beautiful people, breath-taking scenery (Grand Canyon similar)

5.) What brand campaigns can you think of that have recently interested you? If so, what were they and why?
Apple products, shiny, want to try; look like you want to use them, easy, clean and classic
New (Albion) football stadium, season ticket types, match day experience, loyalty products.
Electric and Gas supplier, values, vision and ethical
38 Degrees, people power, inclusive, humorous
Red nose day text, easy, quick, rewarding, part of group

6.) What is the most effective way you would be drawn towards a brand? i.e.- Online; via social media, email, blogs. Or offline; print, editorial, advertisement.
Media, internet, magazine, press, tube, cinema

Less likely – e-mail, junk mail, Facebook

7.) Give a few examples of the brands of clothing you wear.
Fred Perry
Debenhams suits
Local cricket football branded clothing

8.) Give a few examples of the brands and style of footwear you wear.
Only one - Vegetarian sShoes

8.) Who influences you and why? ie-famous or celebrity
Wife – she has style
Retro looks – Bands like The Dead 60’s, The Go Team, Oasis

9.) What sort of outdoors activities do you do? ie-walking, any sport
Walking & Cycling


Friday 18 March 2011

Secondary Reports

"Our readers have been brought up believing in brands," editor-in-chief Mel Young tells Development magazine. "We're just trying to turn them on to brands that matter, be it jeans, footballs or the coffee you drink."
Mel Young – New Consumer Magazine

"Consumers are interested in cutting back on their purchases - but when they do buy, they want quality products that are dependable and will last," she said. "It is not just about buying products made of organic fabrics. This concept is part of the sustainable mission that includes not only environmental consideration, but also social and economic-related considerations as to how and where our products are made and by whom."
Alice Demirjian, director of fashion marketing at Parsons
The Monitor survey asked respondents what "sustainable" means: 45% of women said sustainable clothing is meant to "last longer" or is made of "good quality". Just 8% believe the term means "made from renewable/natural resources". Meanwhile, 31% of women believe "environmentally-friendly" means "made in an environmentally-friendly way", 28% think "made from natural/renewable fibres/materials", and 18% believe it means the clothes are made via "green or organic materials/no dyes/no chemicals".

At Timberland, the mantra has been "Make It Better", and engaging consumers to "do right" has been core to the brand for many years, according to Hitesh Patel, vice-president of Phillips-Van Heusen Corp, the licensee for Timberland menswear.
"The fall 2008 Timberland apparel line has been rebuilt from the ground up to provide consumers with more modern, functional and environmentally responsible style options," Patel says. "From a redesigned denim collection to a versatile layering system, the new collection allows consumers to express their own personal style while continuing to leave a lighter footprint on the environment."

Wednesday 16 March 2011

'stimulate your senses' wrigley's 5 gum

  • 2007 In March 2007, Wrigley introduced U.S. consumers to 5, the most exciting development in sugar-free stick gum since the launch of Extra® more than 20 years earlier.

  • 2007 In August 2007, 5 gum unveiled its marketing campaign titled 'Stimulate Your Senses.' The advertising spots described "what it feels like to chew 5 gum." Set against an industrial, futuristic backdrop, the cooling, warming and tingling sensations created by 5 gum flavors Cobalt, Flare and Rain are expressed through dramatically stimulating visuals and sounds. The campaign also strongly leveraged magazine, cinema and online media advertising to showcase our new brand.

  • 2008 In 2008, 5 brand launched two new fruit gum experiences. Lush gum provides a crisp tropical sensation and Elixir gum is a mouthwatering berry sensation.

  • 2009 5 gum takes it to the next level with unique, game-changing flavor experiences. Solstice, a warm and cool winter, and Zing, a sour to sweet bubble, are new-to-world flavor transitioning experiences.

  • 2010 React Mint and React Fruit join the 5 portfolio in March with exciting new flavor experiences.

  • 2010 5 gum introduces Prism and Vortex to its portfolio. Prism is a sweet and intense electric watermelon taste while Vortex is a sweet and juicy green apple flavor

  • The idea of the advertising campaign evolving throughout the years is how we envisage our New Balance  advertising campaign to evolve. We are currently focusing our campaign towards men as this was the gender of our opinion former however would like to target women with a similar campaign in the future using the same concept.


    Magnum 5 senses campaign

    Following the success of the 7 seven deadly sins advertising, Magnum created a 5 senses advertisement campaign  which was released in August 2006.  Magnum is an icon of indulgence for modern sexy women. After the success of Magnum 7 Sins, sales momentum slowed significantly in 2004. A fresh injection of news was needed to stir up excitement, regain the brand’s iconic position and give women something new and exciting to covet. Despite 30% reduced media investment, European women flocked to Magnum’s latest limited edition: the campaign for Magnum 5 Senses reclaimed the brand’s former strengths – stocks ran out by July, single sales increased by 18% in this impulse purchase sector and women rediscovered Magnum as an object of female desire.


    Magnum 7 deadly sins

    Magnum have played with the idea of elements within there advertising to launch there 7 deadly sins ice creams in 2003. Each of there ice creams represented one of the following deadly sins anger, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. Advertising was made incoroprating all of the sins and also focusing on one sin.

    This you tube clip shows the gluttony advertisiment.

    This idea is how we want to represent our new balance campaign, each sense can be a stand alone advertisment but can also be combined to show a full picture 


    Sensory Marketing

    Following on from the last post, the brand awareness could even be spread through sensory marketing to reflect the idea of the 5 senses. 
    The following examples portray a pretty good idea!




    The launch of the Nikon D700 in Korea. Everytime someone walked past the interactive light-box bill board, it would play paparazzi photographing and huddling together to take your photo. The red carpet eventually lead to a mall which went directly to where the Nikon was being sold.



    'Drink away the Art'


    The 5 Senses

    Leading on from Lucys last post, we were heavily brainstorming and were trying to think of a way to enhance our idea to be more creative. 
    Having chosen 5 main elements that represents whats important to balance work and play we were thinking of things that corresponded with the number 5...

    -5 working days of the week
    -5 a day (Fruit and Veg)
    -5 fingers, 5 toes
    -5 senses

    5 senses: Touch, Taste, Smell, Sound and Sight. 

    We really liked the idea of this and each of our 5 senses could reflect the 5 different active, social, outdoors senarios we thought could match in our print executions. Here are the following 5 elements of social/play along with our idea for the print executions;

    1/ Aim (Aiming for success)...Camping, aiming to get the tent up before it rains..a light hearted humour
    2/ Action..................................Walking/Hiking to reach the top of the hill to see the breath taking veiw
    3/ Relationships......................Couple walking along a beach holding hands
    4/ Relax...................................Man fishing getting away from it all
    5/ Enjoy...................................All of the above in the form of a film strip
    Free gifts that could be sent out which we thought could reflect each of the above would be,

    1/ Frisby with a target on it with the NB logo in the middle (SIGHT)
    2/ NB car air freshener (SMELL)
    3/ Shell from the beach (SOUND)
    4/ Boot shaped stress ball (TOUCH)
    5/ NB tin of mints, the taste of success (TASTE)

    We then thought of adding a Limitded Edition trainer, of a 6th sense!
    Trying now to decide on what the 6th sense could be, and having researched online, we discovered Equilibrioception...a physiological senses of BALANCE. Perfect.
    Still playing on our origional idea of balancing work and play and is an entirely relevant 6th sense.
    Now to shorten the name or abreviate to give to this new trainer...

    Our strap line of, The New Balance of Work and Play, has now changed to..

    "Sense the New Balance"
